

报告题目:为未来加 “油”(Fueling the Future)

报 告 人黄国维,阿卜杜拉国王科技大学

时  间:2024年10月17日14:30

地  点:莫干山校区化工5号楼B306


据估计,全球80 亿人口消耗了约 15.2 Gtoe 能源(平均消耗率为 20.1 TW)。在全球范围内,碳基化石燃料的燃烧提供了80%以上的能源需求。因此,繁荣的工业社会导致二氧化碳浓度从工业化前的280ppm上升到去年测量的超过420ppm。大气中二氧化碳浓度的不断增加极有可能导致全球变暖、海平面上升和海洋酸化。为了减少现代社会的环境足迹,解决化石资源的限制问题,在预计全球能源需求增长的同时,必须实施低碳能源生产和运输系统。本次讲座将对当前的能源现状和未来的选择方案进行讨论和比较,介绍我们在利用甲酸作为低碳氢/能源载体和电子燃料方面所做的研究工作。


Kuo-Wei Huang received his B.S. from National Taiwan University as a Yuan T. Lee Fellow and his Ph.D. from Stanford University as a Regina Casper Fellow. Before joining KAUST as a founding faculty member, he had been an Assistant Professor at the National University of Singapore and a Goldhaber Distinguished Fellow at Brookhaven National Laboratory. The research interests of his group include CO2 utilization, hydrogen storage, small molecule activation (particularly on the PN3(P) ligand platform his group has developed and pioneered), and computational and kinetic mechanistic studies of catalysis. He was recently highlighted in “Pioneers and Influencers in Organometallic Chemistry” by Organometallics in 2020.